I am sending out a heartfelt “Thank You” to each and every one of Chris’ fans, friends & family. You all went above and beyond. I’ve learned how much Chris touched so many people from your wonderful cards and messages. Reading them brought a smile to my face, joy to my heart and tears to my eyes. We all are so lucky to have Chris in our hearts and he will live on forever through our Happy Memories and his Amazing Music.

Thank You All~ Fondly Julie Gaffney

1 comment:

SHAWKINS said...

Hey Julie... I know this has been a hard year for you, & I know this coming week is gonna be extra difficult. My thoughts,prayers, & heart will be with you this coming weekend. I admire the strength you've found to contribute to cancer fundraising in the name of Chris, & you can count me in again this year! I'll call you this friday, but I'll understand if you're not up to talking. I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you, & I remember & I love you (WE love you)
Love, Suzanne (& Jeff)