Help Chris with his medical expenses

While Chris has insurance, it will only cover a fraction of his expenses. We need to raise at least $60,000 to cover the difference.


EL-KABONG! said...

Susie and Brian love you, Chris. You have made our lives so much richer with your amazing voice and songs. And you AIN'T done singin'!!!!

Payne said...
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Payne said...

Julie, I wanted to leave you a note as well. Our love for Gaff is obvious, but we wouldn't have had so much exposure to him had it not been for you - his loving and supportive wife. It's got to be tough being married to a musician (I couldn't do it!) and you've stuck through it thick and thin. Thank you so much for sharing Gaff with us. My heart goes out to you and your families. Love, Diane (Payne)

linda doll hut said...

Dear Julie,

My heart is with you. Please know that you are surrounded by so many people that love and care for you and your family. If there is anything that I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.
Bless you,
Linda Jemison (Doll Hut)

Unknown said...

To Chris and Family -

I am very sorry to hear about your diagnosis and would like to offer a suggestion. MusiCares is an organization that helps musicians during challenging times. Please make application to them for support at:

I know several musicians that have received the financial assistance of this organization for medical expenses just by completing the application. The process works!

Chris, your music has brought such pleasure to all of us. I wish you the best in your recovery.

Di Deutsch said...

Chris, Julie, I know we haven't been in touch lately, due to life's twists and turns, but I never, ever don't think about you guys. I was shocked by the news, but I immediately thought of how strong you both are, and how strong the love of your friends and family are. And that does make a HUGE difference, having support.

I've passed this website on to everyone I can think of, and am also going to try to put together some type of fundraiser with my friend Jeff Kerezman. (Chris, do you remember him? Bierce in LA guitarist) I'll keep you posted.

In the mean time, you both are in my prayers, and know that you will beat this thing.
Much love and hugs, "Di" xoxo

lindalu said...

The BEST accordian player in the world. WMNF, Tampa sends a note out your way, letting you know we will do our best in Tampa to help. Our Community Radio station has enjoyed your music, your performance for many years. We send peace and strength--we will light our candles. Know that you touched so many of our lives with your great music...Peace, Linda Lu
and the WMNF Family, Tampa, Florida

Black Cat Tattoo Aftercare said...

We are thinking of you and sending you some love from S. Austin.
Love, Kristin and Chris Gunn

JoeyScruggs said...

All your many friends up here in Portland, Oregon are sending our prayers your way.
Especially me, Alex Sierra, the Miller Family, everyone @ Duff's Garage, the Waterfront Blues Festival staff, and the staff for The Bite.
You are 'one of a kind' amigo and we need you around to soothe our Souls.
The road ahead may be rocky, but you will make it through!

Dawn said...

Dawn is on your side of the tug of war with the other side, i'm just not gonna give in. There are so many people in love with you like, ME Too bro.!!!! I wanted to let you know how much I love you and that I am pulling extremely hard for you with all my angels 'cause Lord knows how much more you have to offer this world with the most inspiring and one of a kind “Gaff-ish” voice of yours . . . . . chills and thrills my friend. I thank God for you being in my life and Jules too - I Love you both very much and will continue to keep you in my prayers every minute, every day. My arms are around you both and Gino says so too - xoxoxox's infinity....

Monster Girl said...


We have only met once or twice, but it is SO evident how you have touched so many with your music, friendship and great spirit.
My thoughts and prayers go to you, your family and all the many friends that love you so much.


hard country rick said...

Hi Chris and Julie- Just checking in to tell you that our love and thoughts are with you as you enter this scary journey. We just went through all of this. You sent me good thoughts from the Palms and now I'm sending them right back at you. We wish you peace and laughter. We send all of our love and prayers for quick success. We will be featuring Chris' music on the 19th's show and hope it helps in the fundraising. Hold on to each other real tight and it will be all right somehow. Always your good buddy in the hills of Ca.
Rick and Audra Snelson
Hard Country
KVMR 89.5 FM
Nevada City, CA.